
Anchors Away My Boy! Sail On, to the Sea of Happiness! Neal will be your ship’s captain and will be overjoyed to see his First Mate again. Your Graduation came too soon. You are respectfully missed, my friend. Amy misses you, and all the crew. Especially Mom and Dad, missing our Hector Bear.

I learned so much from you. A great mentor for liver disease you are! You fought until the bitter end and rode one wild “roller coaster” for six months! I miss your handsome little face looking up at me when it’s soup time. I know you got so mad at me giving you so many meds all the time, but you knew I had soup just for you – and Dad missed giving you the special “jooshz” with no fish oil, just for you baby boy.

Hang tight sunshine, catch a wave and hang ten! Surf will be up before you know it. Amy will soon join you and in the blink of an eye we will all be reunited again. Save me a few of those upside down saucer licks for when I see you next. Farewell. We Love You!

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